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- /* GetScreenDevice.c
- device=GetScreenDevice(n);
- returns a handle to the n-th screen, where the MainDevice is the zero-th screen.
- This is similar, but not identical, to the screen number in the Monitors
- Control panel.
- n=GetScreenIndex(device);
- returns the inverse of GetScreenDevice().
- slot=GetDeviceSlot(device);
- gets the "slot" for any screen device.
- device=SlotToScreenDevice(n);
- returns a handle to the screen device in slot n.
- device=GetWindowDevice(window);
- returns GDHandle of screen with largest intersection with the window's content.
- GDHandle GetDeviceByRefNum(int n);
- GDHandle GetRectDevice(Rect *r);
- void LocalToGlobalRect(Rect *r);
- void GlobalToLocalRect(Rect *r);
- Copyright © 1989-1995 Denis G. Pelli
- 3/20/90 dgp make compatible with MPW C.
- 3/22/90 dgp changed GetDeviceSlot to use the AuxDCEHandle instead of deducing it
- from the baseAddr of the PixMap. This is a cleaner way to do it.
- 4/9/90 dgp eliminated #define for Mainscrn mispelling in Color.h
- 10/17/90 dgp Added AddressToScreenDevice() for compatibility with built-in video on
- the Mac IIci, IIsi, and LC.
- 10/18/90 dgp Added LocalToGlobalRect() and GetWindowDevice().
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 2/1/92 dgp Fixed bugs in GetWindowDevice() which resulted in returning garbage GDHandle.
- 3/3/92 dgp In GetScreenDevice(), skip inactive screens.
- 8/20/92 dgp expanded comments of GetDeviceSlot(), noting that it works even with
- built-in video, e.g. on Mac IIci.
- 8/26/92 dgp GetDeviceSlot() now returns -1 if none, since zero is a legal slot.
- GetScreenDevice() first checks for 8-bit QuickDraw().
- 9/10/92 dgp Actually implemented the 8/26 change instead of just changing the
- documentation. Oops.
- 4/17/93 dgp Deleted obsolete AddressToSlot and AddressToScreenDevice.
- 5/21/93 dgp Fixed GetWindowDevice() to support GWorld's.
- 8/14/93 dgp Based on answer from DEVSUPPORT, I cleaned up GetWindowDevice().
- 4/11/94 dgp Added GetRectDevice() based on code extracted from GetWindowDevice().
- 11/30/94 dgp added GetDeviceByRefNum().
- 6/1/95 dgp moved LocalToGlobalRect() and GlobalToLocalRect() to CenterRectInRect.c
- 10/4/95 dgp GetDeviceSlot() nows checks for presence of Slot Manager and returns -1 if it's absent.
- 10/14/95 dgp added GetDeviceSlotName(), which works on all Macs, including PCI.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- void GetVideoProperties(GDHandle device,char *slotName,char *cardName,char *modelName);
- char *GetDeviceSlotName(GDHandle device);
- GDHandle GetScreenDevice(int n)
- // Returns a handle to the n-th screen, where the MainDevice is the zero-th screen.
- // Returns NULL if request can't be satisfied.
- {
- GDHandle device;
- int i,error;
- long value;
- if(n<0)return NULL;
- error=Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&value);
- if(error || value<gestalt8BitQD)return NULL; // need 8-bit quickdraw
- if(n==0) return GetMainDevice();
- device=GetDeviceList();
- i=0;
- while(device!=NULL){
- if (TestDeviceAttribute(device,screenDevice)
- && !TestDeviceAttribute(device,mainScreen)
- && TestDeviceAttribute(device,screenActive)){
- i++;
- if(i==n)break;
- }
- device = GetNextDevice(device);
- }
- return device;
- }
- GDHandle GetDeviceByRefNum(int n)
- {
- int j;
- GDHandle device;
- for(j=0;;j++){
- device=GetScreenDevice(j);
- if(device==NULL || n==(**device).gdRefNum)break;
- }
- return device;
- }
- int GetScreenIndex(GDHandle device)
- // Inverse of GetScreenDevice(). Returns -1 if request can't be satisfied.
- {
- int i,error;
- long value;
- error=Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&value);
- if(error || value<gestalt8BitQD)return 0;
- if(device==NULL)return -1;
- for(i=0;i<16;i++)if(device==GetScreenDevice(i))return i;
- return -1;
- }
- short int GetDeviceSlot(GDHandle device)
- // Gets the "slot" for any screen device, even if it's built-in video, e.g. on Mac
- // IIci or Quadra. See 1992 Inside Mac "Processes" page 4-11. Returns -1 if none.
- // Zero is a legal slot for built-in video devices.
- // WARNING: gives nonsense answer on PCI Macs. Use GetDeviceSlotName() instead.
- {
- AuxDCEHandle myAuxDCEHandle;
- SpBlock spBlock;
- Boolean slotMgrPresent;
- if(TrapAvailable(_SlotManager))slotMgrPresent=(SVersion(&spBlock)==noErr);
- else slotMgrPresent=0;
- if(!slotMgrPresent || device==NULL || (*device)->gdRefNum==0)return -1;
- myAuxDCEHandle=(AuxDCEHandle) GetDCtlEntry((**device).gdRefNum);
- return ((**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlSlot);
- }
- char *GetDeviceSlotName(GDHandle device)
- // Gets the "slot" name for any screen device, even built-in video, on Macs with NuBus,
- // PCI bus, and no bus. Returns "" if none.
- // Zero is a legal slot for built-in video devices.
- {
- static char slotName[32]="";
- char cardName[32],modelName[32];
- if(device==NULL || (*device)->gdRefNum==0)return "";
- GetVideoProperties(device,slotName,cardName,modelName);
- if(strlen(cardName)==0)sprintf(slotName,"%d",(int)GetDeviceSlot(device));
- return slotName;
- }
- GDHandle SlotToScreenDevice(int n)
- // Returns a handle to the screen device in slot n.
- // Returns NULL if request can't be satisfied.
- {
- GDHandle device;
- device=GetDeviceList();
- while(device!=NULL) {
- if (TestDeviceAttribute(device,screenDevice) &&
- GetDeviceSlot(device)==n)
- break;
- device=GetNextDevice(device);
- }
- return device;
- }
- GDHandle GetWindowDevice(WindowPtr window)
- // For on-screen window, returns GDHandle of screen with largest intersection with the
- // window's content.
- // For off-screen window (i.e. GWorld), it returns the GDHandle of the associated device.
- {
- Rect r;
- WindowPtr oldWindow;
- long qD;
- if(window==NULL)return NULL;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&qD);
- if(qD>=gestalt32BitQD && (((CWindowPtr)window)->portVersion&0xc001)==0xc001){
- // It's a GWorld iff the portVersion has both high bits set (cGrafPort) and
- // the low bit set (GWorld). See Apple Tech Note “RowBytes Revealed II”.
- return GetGWorldDevice((GWorldPtr)window);
- }
- r=window->portRect;
- GetPort(&oldWindow);
- SetPort(window);
- LocalToGlobalRect(&r);
- SetPort(oldWindow);
- return GetRectDevice(&r);
- }
- GDHandle GetRectDevice(Rect *r)
- // Returns GDHandle of screen with largest intersection with the global rect.
- {
- Rect overlap;
- GDHandle device,dominantDevice=NULL;
- long area,greatestArea;
- long qD;
- if(r==NULL)return NULL;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&qD);
- if(qD<gestalt8BitQD)return NULL; // need 8-bit quickdraw
- device=GetDeviceList();
- greatestArea=0;
- while(device!=NULL){
- if(TestDeviceAttribute(device,screenDevice)
- && TestDeviceAttribute(device,screenActive)){
- SectRect(r,&(*device)->gdRect,&overlap);
- area=(long)(overlap.right-overlap.left)*(overlap.bottom-overlap.top);
- if(area>greatestArea){
- greatestArea=area;
- dominantDevice=device;
- }
- }
- device=GetNextDevice(device);
- }
- return dominantDevice;
- }
- #if 0
- #ifndef __DISPLAYS__
- #include <Displays.h>
- #endif
- #else
- enum{kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr = -6228};
- extern pascal OSErr DMSetDisplayMode(GDHandle theDevice,unsigned long mode
- ,unsigned long *depthMode,unsigned long reserved,Handle displayState)
- ={0x303C,0x0A11,0xABEB};
- extern pascal OSErr DMCheckDisplayMode(GDHandle theDevice,unsigned long mode
- ,unsigned long depthMode,unsigned long *switchFlags,unsigned long reserved
- ,Boolean *modeOk)={0x303C,0x0C12,0xABEB};
- enum {
- gestaltDisplayMgrAttr = 'dply', /* Display Manager attributes */
- gestaltDisplayMgrPresent = 0 /* True if Display Mgr is present */
- };
- #endif
- /*
- These enum definitions for use with the cscGetNextResolution driver status call
- are taken from the A7 draft (Feb 10,'95) of Apple's Designing PCI Cards and Drivers for
- Power Mac Computers. Undoubtedly these enum definitions will appear in some future
- version of Video.h, perhaps with CodeWarrior 6, at which time they can be deleted from here.
- */
- enum{
- kDisplayModeIDCurrent=0
- ,kDisplayModeIDInvalid=0xffffffff
- ,kDisplayModeIDFindFirstResolution=0xfffffffe
- ,kDisplayModeIDNoMoreResolutions=0xfffffffd
- };
- #endif